Sunday 2 October 2011

What Is Horror?

We have tried describing what a horror film is my description included stereotypical characters; what they do to the audience and what fears a horror can create.
The types of characters that are used are usually based around having a main role who will beat the killer and be the survivor at the end of the film, there is also a killer or monster that tends to have a unique/trademark killing method. Between these characters there is usually a conflict that results in the survival of the main 'hero' and the defeat of the killer/monster, this can be dragged out over a series of films but usually has this outcome in the end. Some films can have a problem that kills people instead of a physical thing, for example the happening is about fighting an atmposhere that causes people to kill themselves.
Things that horror films do to the audience include frightening or alarming them, invoking their worst hidden fears, also they aim to entertain the audience in a cathartic way and aim to conclude in a shocking, terrifying conclusion.
The mental scar of fear that can be created from watching a horror film often has effects for the audience of nightmares, fear of vulnerability and the unknown, death and alienation. The psychological effects of terror of the unknown is picked up on and exploited by horror film creators as they build huge tension and fear despite the audience only hearing a strange sound or something.

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