Saturday 15 October 2011

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974) - Tobe Hooper

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a 1974 film directed by Tobe Hooper. The film is about a group of friend that become victims of a cannibal family. The story was based on the true criminal activity of Ed Gein who also influenced 'Psycho' and 'Silence Of The Lambs'. The film was produced for $300,000 yet gained $30,859,000 at the box office. This successful horror film that was distributed by Bryanston Pictures contains a good example of how the opening sequence can build the audience emotions up to set the mood for the film. Here I have analysed the opening titles.

Black background shows unknown and plays on fears of darkness. 'New Line Cinema Presents' in unsettling font as the text is off balance and not aligned making it appear more uncomfortable. The position of the text also creates a sense of uncertainty with the fact it's quite off centre but it could make the audience curious as to why and maintain their interest. In terms of sound we are hit with a loud burst of low frequency that pounds a fearful sense into the audience.
Similar to the previous image this began with a black background and the title became more focused. The position and font of the text achieves the same effect on the audience as before. This time however there is a strange image flashing, it is only visible for less than a second but it's red colour creates the idea of death, blood and danger. The surprise element of it helps intrigue the audience in to watching more.
Another unknown image flashing on one side, this helps build tension and anticipation towards the actual film. The mystery built up surrounding these images is what maintains the audiences interest at this point. The colour and shape generates the impression of a dead body or something similar which obviously emphasises the plot of the film.
Another title blurs into focus and again the themed font being quite strange and interesting. This time there is a grey pattern fading through the titles which again suggests mystery and brings an extra unknown to the shot.
This image slide across the screen very slowly, there is a deep red colour that strongly hints towards the connotation of blood and deaths along with the chain suggesting torture or being restrained which pushes the idea of vulnerability and places the audience in a more scared state. Through this and the next image we are hit by slower more gentle but slightly out of tune orchestra music that makes the audience feel almost upset towards the scene, however the out of tune setting emphasises the unsettled feeling.
Again, the unusual combination of colours shows a nerving display of death, danger and pain. The image is only flashed a few times but the outlines of a face are clear and it is quite unpleasant to look at. The open mouth suggests a form of screaming through pain and the blacked out eyes make his identity unknown and more scary. The line underneath the face mirrors that of the chain in the previous title which links the ideas of them both and suggests that person has been tortured or restrained.
This was a strange video played over around the titles and it intrigues the audience as its the first image thats placed on screen for more than a second or two and it moves. The video is of an unknown, mysterious male who seems to show distress through facial expressions, there isn't a lot that the audience can factually gain from this for the storyline but it provides them with a bit more to entice them to the film.
Finally we have the film title and the texts appears on the centre of the screen in big bold capitals. The fact its in the centre and in capitals compared to the previous texts, shows it has a level of importance and that the film is starting, it also causes the audience to feel more aware as they are suddenly hit with large text. The missing pieces of the font make it look used and damaged which could reflect that of the film. This is all combined with a much bolder, louder bass orchestra that grabs the audience attention for the oncoming film.

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