Sunday 2 October 2011

Iwo Jima, Raising The Flag

We have written an essay about the Iwo Jima Raising the Flag photo and various versions of the original picture, this included a lego version, a picture of the memorial and a similar photo that was taken after the 9/11 attacks as well as the original picture that was taken after the battle of Iwo Jima in World War 2.
Some of the points I made about the original picture were how the flag was being lifted to represent the pride and determination of the USA because despite just fighting in a war the soldiers have put effort into raising the flag to show people how they are still going strong. I also mentioned about the light glowing around the flag, this focuses the attention on the flag and almost presents the hope idea that is associated with light.
In the second image that was taken after the 9/11 it shows 3 firemen gathered around the bottom of a flag, again raising it to show their pride and determination. But i also thought the flag had quite a bit more signifcance because it was brightl coloured with red an blue therefore would stand out against the large amount of rubble that filled the background which can show how despite the effects of the attack being very big and overpowering in size the flag still stood out representing how America can stay strong.
The monument was very difficult to analyse because obvioulsy it is basically the same as the original photo so presents the same ideas and emotions, this meant i had to make up some wierd point just so i had something to say, this lead me to point out the material that was used to make the monument. I said in my essay that the strong, hard material used to build it was actually used to ensure a long lasting, good quality monument however i made up some rubbish about it being a representation of the strength and power of the soldiers from the photo.
The lego version was ironic and strange as it used a modern child's play toy to structure an old war photo displaying to completely opposite ideas as the lego is innocent, child friendly and fun where as the picture it portaits is about a destructive, terrible and old time. So i just made this point and explained how it almost links generations by doing this.

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