Saturday 10 September 2011

Denotation, Connotation, Mise-En-Scene

First lesson we learnt about denotation, connotation and mise-en-scene
denotation - The literal/primary meaning of something
connotation - The ideas/represtation of the denotation
mise-en-scene - Using what's visually available to understand a secondry meaning/representation

We developed our understanding of denotation and connotation by using them to analyse a still Calvin Klein advert, some of the things we noticed were:
-The text is long and thin, also it has been typed in capitals this creates a modern, subtle, feminin appearance which can reinforce the relationship between the mother and daughter. Also you could use these words to describe a perfume and the advert in general.
-The background is a countryside scene which suggests freshness which can relate to the fresh smelling perfume. It can also present freedom/escapism which is available for everyone, opening the audience.

After we did this we looked at the Flora Cuisine TV advert but looked at mise-en-scene, for example we noticed there were a number of cooking utensils around which implied she was an experienced cook, which makes her more trustworthy when selling a cooking product.
Also at the end of the advert she is stood up while Vernon Kay is on a low stool as she treats him like a young child, this represented the fact she was authority and still a lot like a mother figure which relates to the majority of the audience/people that would use the product.

For homework I analysed the Lynx shower gel advert, looking at the Location/Setting, Costumes/Make-Up, Props and Lighting/Colour which I began to find difficult, but when I looked at the least important objects in the background I noticed more ideas.
On the YouTube video I was able to stop the advert a important frames where it would be like analysing a still advert, some findings included:
-The beach was presented well with the sand, sea, blue sky and umberellas right at the start so the audience would instantly understand where it was set.
-The main character wasn't the most attractive/muscley person that is often used in adverts, he was an ordinary, simple person which explained to the audience that the product is for anyone and the market is very open.
- There is a section in the ad where two girls stop playing volleyball to follow the man's actions, this is showing how the smell of the product can instantly distract others and is a very important/overpowering item.
- At the point 11s into the ad you can see the light comes across him which gives half of his body a shadow and the other half is lit up, suggesting that he has a good and 'evil' side to him, as he goes on to make the women show their breasts he almost reveils his slight darker side. If you look 24s into the add you can see the hand on the dark side comes off first which shows he is being led by that darker side of his personality and that it is overpowering him, hence why he did that.

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