Thursday 15 September 2011

Picture Analysis

This image is of my 5 year old brother, however the effects used in this picture make him seem like a very powerful, strong person.
The light coming across his face literally creates a dark side to him, although this could represent the inner evil within, the dark side of his face makes the features not very visible which could be saying how the dark side to him is very covered up and hidden away. The light side would suggest there is still a sense of good which is more likely to be on the exterior if his dark side is mysterious and not as known.

His head is leant forward suggesting he is quite aggressive because it seems as if he is leaning into the shot, it can also show he 'dives in head first' or gets into things without thinking. The frown matches this aggressive, dark side and completes the image and is easily noticeable because it is an extreme close-up shot.

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